When you visit Williamsburg, you can rent costumes for the kids to wear. Christian and Lisa's boy, Colby, were regular colonial boys with their haversacks, rifles, hats and colonial shirts. These two looked like identical twins when Colby lived here three years ago. Especially as four year olds when they both sucked their middle two fingers the same way! Colby has since filled out much more than Christian has. Christian is still a skinny picky eater, but they still could pass for brothers! Colby's sister, Charlotte, wore the colonial girl's costume. What a darling!
Next we headed down Duke of Gloucester Street, Of course the kids had to stop at the stockades. It's no fun unless they get to lock up us parents!
At the Capital Building, the kids learned where the seeds of our separation of powers started. Would you believe that the members of one of the legislative houses were also the justices on the highest court handling all appeal cases? Surprised us adults, but the kids were more interested in how first time offenders got to choose to go free if they allowed themselves to be branded.. "T" for Thief. Ouch!
We stopped at the magazine, where the kids got to join the militia. Here's Colby getting strict instructions from his sergeant on how to properly handle his gun.

We couldn't tear those boys away from watching the blacksmith. I'm thinking I better be careful. They were so fascinated that if I don't watch what they're doing, they might try forging something in our garage!
Coming back home was nice, but something about being on vacation is just so relaxing. Lisa's telling me she hopes her good mood will last. I see what she means. I'd like to think we could just hold on to those peaceful moments with no pressure but to take in the sites and learn!
I have wonderful memories of going to Williamsburg as a child.
Thanks for stopping by! I especially like what you say about your Toms in your header.
What a blast! Great pictures. :)
I've always wanted to visit Williamsburg...experiencing history firsthand that way! Great for the kids. As I read on your bio that you love writing and teach it as well you might like historical fiction? If so, check out the Diana Gabaldon series...pure heaven! And thanks for your post!
I had no idea you could rent costumes in Williamsburg. I grew up in NC and went there while in college. There is so much to do!
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