Okay, so my friend, Hillary, over at
www.theothermama.com wants me to post something crazy. Check out her list, she's pretty crazy all the time, and I love to read what she's up to! Flat out running all the time, I feel like I'm always a bit crazy myself. So here are some of the crazy ways I manage a household of four boys as a single mom. Hope they make you smile. Maybe you'll think something in here is so crazy it just might work for you!
- One.... the Box O Sox.... Once we find a volume discount, we get 40 IDENTICAL pairs of sox, and get rid of all other boy socks in the house. Voila! We never need to match. We keep them clean with a good dose of bleach in the wash and toss each clean sock into the same box- no pairing no rolling, no sorting!
- Two... I Mark my Territory in Pink... I remember looking over at my stepson's feet when he lived with us years ago. "Mike, why do you have my Anne Taylor socks on?" He didn't know any better, they were an elegant coffee color. I learned my lesson. When I want something left alone, I get it in pink or at least with dash of pink flowers. Pink's not my favorite color, but wow it repels boys! My cell phone skin, my Macbook cover, my socks, my hoodie--all pink! Pink chases away boys faster than spiders chase away girls!
- Three... I'll be in the car! Learned this from a genius mom at a dentist office years ago. With four school aged kids in the waiting room, she stood up and announced, "kids, I'll be in the car." With that, she calmly left without looking back. I was shocked. How could she leave them like that? Actually, I was a bit jealous, and soon I knew why she had such confidence. Within seconds, the kids calmly put away their coloring books, arranged their backpacks, and were out the door only steps behind Mom. No whining, nagging, or fighting. I adopted her ways from then on. I still pinch myself- it works! I never have trouble getting the kids gathered up to leave. Just lead. When it comes down to it, kids really want to follow you.
- Four... Assembly Line Groceries: It's tough enough clipping all the coupons and keeping up with shopping for five. So when I get home, I leave the unloading to the boys. They turn it into fun. When I hear them shout, "ASSEMBLY LINE", I get curious and peak in on them. This is what I find... the oldest grabbing the bags from the car, knotting the handles so nothing falls out, tossing it to the second oldest who's riding a scooter and scoots over to the third who's standing in the back doorway and handing it over to the youngest who brings it to the kitchen counter. Once the car's empty, they form their next assembly line to the refrigerator or pantry. In case you're worried, by now I've gotten wise enough to carry the eggs and bread in myself!
- Five... Videogamerama Kitchen Clean Up: Years ago Dad showed them where they can find dozens of audioclips from their favorite video games - like Mario Brothers or Sonic the Hedgehog. They take turns switching the clips on the kitchen computer from one to another while they work as a team to clean up in the style of the clip. When Mario's swimming clip comes on, the younger ones "swim" through the counters as they wipe. When the sped up clip comes on, they rush like little madmen to get the kitchen done.
- Six... Count Your Age Pick Up: With four boys and a puppy chocolate lab (who takes those 'indestructible' dog toys as a challenge, chewing them into a thousand pieces within about 20 minutes), I do have my moments where I simply have to have a picked up house. When I'm at the point, I simply shout out "Count your age pick up!" The boys rocket into action, grabbing objects that need picking up (from bits of trash to books that need to be shelved), counting as many as their age. Within seconds, the house looks fresh and clean!
- Seven... Secret Hideout Devotion Time: We find a special nook in the house for devotions, like an empty closet we can all fit in (including the dog). We take our flashlights and a lit laptop and huddle together to make the moment special. I love this not just because it gets us feeling warm and cozy, but also it keeps the younger ones from having too much space and wrestling around. We can actually get some cool discussions going on.
- Eight... Brotherly Love Bucks: Occasionally we'll resurrect a form of allowance that's based on heart. Each day they have the opportunity to "earn" extra rewards through character. Oh, they have to do their schoolwork, chip in with chores, and practice their violin, anyway, but if they have a cheerful heart, they earn dividends on top of it. The icing on the cake is the brotherly love buck. They get together and vote, and only one of the four boys gets the buck. As they cast their vote, they have to explain what that brother did to earn their brotherly love buck.
- Nine... Fiddling Around: I wanted the boys learning an instrument, and when they didn't seem to have a particular one in mind, I figured why not streamline- just make violin part of their school routine. What a crazy blessing now. When they get really rambunctious and I need to whip the house in shape, I send them all in the backyard with their violins. They've figured out on they're own how to play songs together and have a blast. The oldest now plays "Devil Went Down to Georgia" and all of them can play a decent Swallowtail Jig together. Other times, like right now, as I'm typing, they decided they all HAVE to practice their violin at the same time, and my house becomes a funky cacophony of four fiddles. Cracks me up!
- Ten... Buddy Brothers: From an early age, I paired up the brothers. The oldest with the third, and the second oldest with the youngest. Makes my life sane and keeps the boys mentoring each other. At a restaurant when someone needs to go to the bathroom we simply say, "Buddy Brother" and right away, that little guy's big buddy walks him to the bathroom
Hope these were fun to read. By now you either think I'm nuts or maybe you have a peek at how I survive with my sense of humor intact! Blessings!