Matthew 11:30 "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
You know the quality of a friend when she is willing to chop the head off of a snake for you!
Okay, it wasn't a copperhead. But it could have been! I could explain the whole story, but Michelle already has on her blog right here.
What I love about Michelle is her integrity, which shows
There is something very emotional about seeing a snake – it drums up anxieties that you may not have realized are there.
I surprised myself when tears welled up. But the tears weren’t really about a snake. They were about me missing my knight in shining armor who would rescue me from snakes!
At that moment I just needed someone at my side as I experienced a rush of missing Tom.
It’s a strange new role I have, figuring out how to be the bugs and snakes and backyard parent too!
L. B. Cowman says to "flee every symptom of the deadly foe of discouragement as you would run from a snake. Never be slow to turn your back on it, unless you desire to eat the dust of bitter defeat."
Seeing that snake helped me recognize subtle snakes of discouragement that were beginning to form in my life.
What a wake up call! I realized just in time how I was missing Tom even more recently. With the change in weather, the boys are adding new demands on me to be outside and do what Tom used to do on top of managing the home. Grieving Tom is healthy, but only if I’m doing it by leaning on the Lord.
Lord, thank you for showing me that snake before discouragement set in. Thanks to You, I recognize that I started to carry my burden by myself, and now I've turned it over to You. Thank you for placing Michelle there at that moment as Your Hand, helping to carry the burden. You never fail in Your promises, and Your yoke is light.
I will flee the snakes of discouragement and choose to be honored that You consider me ready for snakes and spiders!
Wow! Kitty, you are an incredible mom to 4 boys! I mean, even if Tom did put the snake book in your kitchen, you've kept it there! Thanks for your friendship!
all I have to say about that picture is YIKES (in my best Shaggy voice from Scooby Doo).
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