As Christians, do my children know who it is they follow?
This week I've let that be the focus of our devotion time because I want to make sure they know where to go in the Bible to nail down a most important foundational truth.
I asked them if they know the difference between Jesus and God.
It took a moment before one of them giggled and said, “Mom! Jesus is God!”
Of course he knew that. I’ve taught it all along. But how often do we forget to make certain truths absolutely clear to our kids to a point where they know how to find that truth for themselves in the Scriptures?
There will come a day when my boys will go out into the world armed only with what foundational truth I’ve provided them. They will face those who will try to water down the Gospel. Those who will tell them, “Jesus was a teacher. Jesus was a good man. Jesus was a prophet.” Those who might even admit, “Jesus is the Son of God,” but stop there.
There will come a day when my boys will go out into the world armed only with what foundational truth I’ve provided them. They will face those who will try to water down the Gospel. Those who will tell them, “Jesus was a teacher. Jesus was a good man. Jesus was a prophet.” Those who might even admit, “Jesus is the Son of God,” but stop there.
Will my kids notice what was missing in those statements? Can they defend the deity of Christ?
The truth that Christ is not just the Son of God, but one with the Father is our focus with my kids in our family bible study this week.
I started with a simple question. Does it matter? After all, those that follow Christ and don’t consider Him God, aren’t they still following Him?
How can you follow someone when you don’t know whom you are following?
Christ is either God incarnate or not. If He is (and of course, He is!) and someone doesn’t believe it, then the Christ they are following is not Christ at all, but a mere man.
I guess I picture us one day standing before the real Christ--the Son of God who is God Himself. If it's only then we recognize that He really is God, then we never really knew Him. Those who have denied Who He is will have to answer to Him. They might say, “But all our lives we said, ‘Lord, Lord’.” And He will answer, “Go away from Me, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:22-23)
I guess I picture us one day standing before the real Christ--the Son of God who is God Himself. If it's only then we recognize that He really is God, then we never really knew Him. Those who have denied Who He is will have to answer to Him. They might say, “But all our lives we said, ‘Lord, Lord’.” And He will answer, “Go away from Me, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:22-23)
When the boys and I dug deep, we found some of these truths helpful and nailing down for us that Jesus is one and the same with our Father God...
Isaiah’s prophecy defines Christ as God:
Isaiah the prophet, over 500 years before Christ was born, prophesized Messiah declaring Him in no uncertain terms to not only be the Son of God, but God Himself. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
John’s Prophecy defines Christ as the Word—and the Word is God:
In Revelation (19:13), John talks of the Christ coming down from the Heavens and defines Christ by saying, “His name is called the Word of God.” So, in many places in the New Testament where it describes the Word becoming flesh, it’s speaking of Jesus. John says, “The Word was God.” (John 1:1)
The Pharisees Sought to Kill Jesus for His “Blasphemy” of Asserting He is God:
Jesus healed and then said, “Go, your sins are forgiven.” (several occurrences; Luke 5:23 is one example). The Pharisees were angered because only God could forgive sins. Jesus told them before Abraham he was the “I Am”. (John 8:58) The Pharisees accused Him of blasphemy, but Jesus didn’t deny his statements or actions. If he was misunderstood, why not correct the misunderstanding and avoid the execution?
Thomas Called Jesus God
The disciple Thomas (the doubting Thomas) saw Jesus resurrected and exclaimed, “My God” (John 20:28) to Jesus.
We were Purchased with God's Blood
Paul explained how God purchased the Church with his own blood (Acts 20:28).
The disciple Thomas (the doubting Thomas) saw Jesus resurrected and exclaimed, “My God” (John 20:28) to Jesus.
We were Purchased with God's Blood
Paul explained how God purchased the Church with his own blood (Acts 20:28).
The biblical references settled what was already in our hearts. Christ is God.
But why is is so necessary for us that Christ IS God? Isn't it enough to just say Jesus is our Savior and not worry about connecting Who He is to God?
No that's not enough.
Think about why for our salvation, Christ has to be God:
But why is is so necessary for us that Christ IS God? Isn't it enough to just say Jesus is our Savior and not worry about connecting Who He is to God?
No that's not enough.
Think about why for our salvation, Christ has to be God:
- Christ’s deity is necessary for our salvation! The very meaning of being a Christian is to recognize the sinful nature of our souls. We needed a Savior to pay the price for sin. And nothing but a perfect sacrifice would do. Only God Himself is perfect. Not a human son of God who isn't one with Him.
- If Jesus wasn’t God, what kind of love would that show that the Father has for us? If you stood at the street while your children were caught in a burning house and asked someone to run in for you, would that be love? Did God send someone else into a burning house after us? No. No one but God Himself would be adequate. As our Father, God lowered Himself enough to come down here and take the punishment for us. That’s love. Enough to save us.
The lesson was over and we went on with our day with deeper appreciation of Who Christ is.
Then I had lunch with an old friend. This sweet brother in Christ told me the painful experience of having to go through divorce after his wife had cheated on him over and over. When he described the a awful moment when she was caught in her sin, tears came to his eyes. The evidence too great to deny. He had tried to forgive many times before, but this time the betrayal destroyed his trust in her completely. They both knew there was no turning back. The marriage was over.
It was a moment when she walked through the door and he had the evidence from an investigator there in his hands.
It was a moment when she walked through the door and he had the evidence from an investigator there in his hands.
She saw it and collapsed on the floor in a blood-curdling scream, “Nooooooooooo!” The scream wasn’t a plea. She knew his character and that she had been given her last chance. He no longer trusted her. Too late. Over. Final. She left the house into the emptiness of no further relationship with him.
To hear the description of her scream made me shiver, but not just for her. I never met the poor woman. The tear was for others—for an image I had in my heart. An image of billions of souls standing before Jesus on that day knowing that they had denied him for so long that it was too late. No turning back. Each scream will be hundreds times worse than the woman who betrayed her husband. I cry now for those individuals and stop to remind myself, who is it we worship?
The imagery of the unfaithful bride is so heart wrenching because we have all been "her" at one time or other. His mercy is so great! I pray with you for all of us to grasp that while mercy may still be found.
Kelly, what an inspiration your entire walk and your life is. Thanks. You're right. We've all been there.
Thank you for these words! It's refreshing to go back to the heart of the gospel....JESUS! What would our faith be without Him, our Savior! You are teaching your boys with wisdom that transcends this earth - instilling knowledge that once taken into the heart, matters for all eternity. May the Lord bless you!
Kitty, I love that you are so faithful in studying the Word with your boys. And yes, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit = ONE GOD. All-Powerful, Holy, Awesome!
Thank you for your post...a beautiful reminder that seeing Jesus as anything less than the Only True God is missing the point entirely.
As a young adult I remember wondering the same thing , "Do I pray to God or Jesus?" I grew up praying to God, understanding that Jesus was God's Son & that he died for my sins; but it took a lot longer for me to "get that" God is: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit... I thank God for your faithfulness in studying the Word of God with your boys.
Hi, Susan. A dear friend just pointed out to me today that Jesus actually told us to pray to the Father in His name. Nevertheless, the real issue I wanted the kids to dig through Scripture over is the real identity of Christ Who shed only the blood of a sinless perfect sacrifice which could only be accomplished by being Divine Himself.
Thanks for the comments!
I've been reading past posts on your blog today after noticing you are a follower on my blog. WOW! How God is using you to encourage others through your tragedy. Your words beautifully written have touched my heart. Thank you for sharing all that God is speaking to your heart in rearing those boys of yours. I, too, am rearing some future leaders with 3 of my own. I view it as an awesome responsibility for which I oftentimes feel ill-equipped. But I know God equips you for what he has called you to do. I suppose many wives don't want to consider the unimaginable happening to them and facing the task alone, but what a beautiful example and encouragement I know you must be to those who have experienced the same as you. Blessings to you and those future leaders that God is daily equipping you to raise.
Sweet Blessings ~
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